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“You can give yourself the gift of time, and the gift of solutions by early testing. Once diagnosed, patients can take part in clinical trials and the search for new treatments, and they can prepare for the future.Īs Marcia says, “When it comes to your health, knowledge is power.” She herself has shared plans with her children in case she develops Alzheimer’s in the future. Early testing might be a scary prospect, but if offers big advantages. Watch: Compassionate Care for Alzheimer'sĥ.4 million people in America have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The person with the disease may well not realize it.

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“So much of it is the story and the symptoms being displayed, and the family members are the ones who can complete that story for the health-care provider,” says Dr. He and his siblings first suspected something was wrong when his own mother stopped watching the news and doing crosswords.Īlzheimer’s disease is hard to diagnose – it’s not a simple blood test. The family relocated often - she first became interested in the theatre when the family was.

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Her mother, Beverly (Bushfield), was a homemaker, and her father, Thad Harold Harden, was in the military.

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Ordon points out that it’s easy to attribute symptoms to the aging process. Marcia Gay Harden Actress Mystic River Marcia Gay Harden was born on August 14, 1959, in La Jolla, California, the third of five children. Travis Stork notes that “The early signs can be very subtle.” Dr. Watch: Drink THIS to Lower Your Alzheimer's Risk!ĮR Physician Dr.

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